Sunday, September 29, 2013

Differing Parental Views

     As was discussed in class, there is a huge difference in the way that Eva and Franklin treat Kevin.  This has a lot to do with the fact that Eva is narrating the story.  She's not trying to make Franklin look like a bad person, but we never get to hear Franklin's side.  We can only assume and guess what he is thinking in the situations that Kevin is misbehaving.  Along those lines, the fact that Eva is the one writing all the letters is because she just wants Franklin to understand her feelings about Kevin, something he would never do throughout Kevin's childhood.  Franklin just didn't want to believe that Kevin did all those things Eva says happens.  By accepting his actions, it would have shattered his illusion of the perfect family that he had created in his head.

     Kevin and Eva have a closer relationship because of the way Franklin treats him, though.  Kevin just manipulates Franklin and has power over him, whereas with Eva, she knows everything he does and he is himself with her.  Franklin barely chastises Kevin for breaking the tea cup set and Kevin responds in an enthusiastic state to play Frisbee (182).  When Eva takes his squirt gun away, he tries to get it back, knowing his father would have to help.  When Franklin comes to help Eva says, "Kevin and I locked eyes.  His pupils stirred with what might have been pride, or glee, or pity," (152).  Kevin knew exactly what he was doing and planned it all out.  However, Franklin just continued to make excuses for him.  Kevin is always "just a kid."  The day that Violetta scratches her arms, Franklin uses that exact excuse, "he's one of the kids!" (185).           

     Although Franklin wants a family and wants the perfect picture, he does not want Eva to get pregnant again.  He says it is because of her and how she reacts to Kevin, but deep down, he knows he does not want another child like Kevin.  He makes all these points about why they shouldn't have another baby (207), but he just can't raise another Kevin.  He admits that everything isn't perfect with the family, "What could possess you, after it's gone the way it's gone, to want to do it again?" (208).  Then when he finds out she really is pregnant, he is angry and distant about it.  He even comments about how hard it will be for Kevin, because he truthfully knows how bad he acts (216).  Franklin made excuses for Kevin and didn't punish him for so long that he knows now that Kevin is older, he can't change him.  He doesn't want to do that again with another child.    

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